
Uad heritage bundle
Uad heritage bundle

uad heritage bundle

Use Klarnas easy Sound Cards price comparison tools to help you find the best value on one million products. Finally, the Apollo Twin X DUO boasts compatibility with UA’s LUNA software, giving you a tightly integrated recording, editing, and mixing environment, with full software-based control over your interface’s parameters, global console and tape emulations, and advanced real-time tracking. Make a good deal when shopping your Universal Audio Apollo Twin USB Duo Heritage 628 USD is the cheapest price among 6 stores we compared. Beyond that, you get sub-2ms latency and ample expandability, thanks to the Apollo Twin X DUO’s ultra-fast Thunderbolt 3 connectivity. The Apollo Twin X DUO Heritage Edition comes with a premium suite of five award-winning plug-in titles, along with the Realtime Analog Classics bundle, arming you with accurate emulations of vintage analog hardware. Included in Apollo Heritage Edition Bundle: UA. Dual Unison preamps allow you to track through models of the industry’s most legendary gear. Other UAD plug-ins sold separately at All trademarks are property of their respective owners.

uad heritage bundle uad heritage bundle

Experience top-shelf sound quality, by way of the Apollo Twin X DUO’s upgraded elite-class AD/DA conversion. Track and mix with spot-on emulations of tried-and-true studio classics, thanks to UA’s powerful DUO Core processor. The Twin X DUO’s performance rivals UA’s rackmount Apollo X audio interfaces, but eschews extraneous features like 5.1 surround monitoring and +24dBu operation for a streamlined, desktop design that’s tailor-made for project studios. Sells separately for $999.00Place the Universal Audio Apollo Twin X DUO at the center of your studio, and it’s guaranteed to turbocharge your productivity. Sensational plug-in bundle included UAD Powered Plug-ins have earned their reputation for being some of the most accurate emulations of analog audio equipment ever created. Universal Audio Apollo Twin X DUO Heritage Edition 10×6 Thunderbolt Audio Interface with UAD DSP

Uad heritage bundle